At our Brooklyn Heights dental practice, we provide natural looking dental fillings. Gone are the days of silver fillings that would get dark and would stain over the years. Did you know that tooth colored fillings can actually strengthen teeth? Learn more about that in this clip!
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DR. STANISLAUS: In the past all fillings in dentistry were performed with dental - - . They were silver fillings that got dark and stained over years. Now we are able to offer tooth colored fillings. We have been doing tooth colored fillings in dentistry I would say probably since about 1980 and that procedure, the materials are really advanced throughout the years. Really tooth colored fillings actually strengthen teeth, whereas silver fillings were wedged into teeth and fractured these teeth. Tooth colored fillings really, actually bond it more so teeth are together and give a very aesthetic restoration. The difference between tooth colored fillings, we also do what we call porcelain inlays and on-lays. Those are custom fitted filings that are cemented directly onto the teeth and give even a more beautiful and functional restoration.