Smiling young man

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last to appear in your mouth which means they often show up when your jaw has run out of room. This means they either elbow their way in or get trapped under the gums, situations that may require wisdom teeth removal. The dentists at Brooklyn Heights Dental® in Brooklyn, NY, offer gentle wisdom teeth removal for even complex cases.

Gentle, Convenient Care Close to Home Serving Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, and all of Brooklyn

Get Relief

Problematic wisdom teeth that get stuck under the gums, crowd other teeth, or grow in at an angle cause inflammation and can increase your risk of gum infections, sinus issues, cavities, and damage to other teeth. Our experienced dentists can gently remove these molars and relieve any resulting pain while minimizing your risk of future dental problems.

Your Comfort Is Our Priority

Our state-of-the-art facility is designed for your comfort. If you have a sensitive gag reflex, low pain tolerance, or anxiety, we can offer sedation to keep you comfortable during treatment. We offer both nitrous oxide and intravenous (IV) sedation to ensure you stay relaxed throughout your entire treatment.

Treatment for Complex Cases

Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid are not average dentists. Both are exceptionally trained and can handle complex wisdom tooth cases so that you can avoid having to see an oral surgeon. Dr. Stanislaus has studied advanced dental techniques with world-renowned doctors and is a fellow of the International College of Dentists. Dr. Reid is a trained prosthodontist and as a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the NYU College of Dentistry, also trains other dentists. 

Are Wisdom Teeth Causing You Pain?

Request a Consultation

Are wisdom teeth causing you or your child problems? Do you have unexplained pain or swelling in your jaw? Whether or not you can see your wisdom teeth, they may be the source of your discomfort.

We recommend scheduling a consultation at Brooklyn Heights Dental®, where one of our experienced dentists can examine your mouth and take x-rays to determine the source of your discomfort.

Of course, the sooner you receive treatment, the sooner you can get relief. Early treatment also helps you avoid complications. If you are unsure what to do, we're happy to answer questions. Just leave us a message online or call.

Brooklyn Heights Dental® has been a trusted practice for over half a century and draws clients from Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, and all of Brooklyn.

(718) 857-6639

Glowing, 5-Star Reviews


Montserrat Vargas


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I will highly recommend Brooklyn Heights Dental. Their services are splendid in all matters. Clear information, follow-up in case of a health insurance concern and most importantly, they accommodated my needs. I have PTSD and sometimes, noises, textures, and the anesthesia could make me feel unwell. After spoking with the hygienist, and Dr. Reid they were extra careful, and constantly making sure that I feel heard, safe and comfortable in the chair. THANK YOU!

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Ndeye Peinda


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Honestly- there are not enough words to detail how GREAT Brooklyn Heights Dental, Dr. Stanley and his staff are. From my very first visit- I was comfortable, tended to, and had every single question answered. I just finished my first of 2 procedures and everything is healing great. If you are looking through reviews to find the best place to go - LOOK NO FURTHER. This is the place you want to be.

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What Are Wisdom Teeth?


Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are teeth that come in during your late teens or early twenties. While it's normal to have a little discomfort when they appear, if you have pain, you should see a dentist to avoid complications.

Signs You Should Have Wisdom Teeth Removed But Remember: Some People Experience No Symptoms

While pain is a symptom of wisdom teeth problems, some people don't experience any discomfort. Signs that you may need your wisdom teeth removed include:

  • Swollen, tender, or bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain or stiffness in the jaw or difficulty opening your mouth
  • Bad breath, which can be a sign of an infection
  • Sinus pain as upper teeth push against your sinuses
  • Misalignment as these new molars push other teeth out of place

During regularly scheduled exams, we can monitor these teeth before they have physical effects on your health.

See How Wisdom Teeth Affect Other Teeth ...

Four extra molars in your mouth can cause overcrowding and misalignment problems.

"Hands Down the Absolute Best Dental Experience"


Cecilia Caines-Brown


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This was hands down the absolute best dental experience I have ever had in my life! They are professional, compassionate and I am so happy I found them.

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tawanna Thomas


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I’ve been going here for 2yrs now and every time I’m there everyone is very friendly and professional . Dr. S is extremely gentle. He’s the best dentist I’ve ever been to! I recommend him to everyone I know.

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Early Wisdom Teeth Removal

Many parents bring in their teens to have us examine their wisdom teeth even before symptoms occur. 

Using 3-D imaging technology, Drs. Stanislaus and Reid can detect problems early on and proactively recommend the appropriate treatment.

Early planning lets parents schedule surgery to remove problematic teeth at a convenient time, such as during school vacations. Early extraction is also easier during the teenage years when the jawbone is softer.

Dr. Stanislaus and Dr. Reid

Removing Wisdom Teeth We Put Patient Comfort First

Brooklyn Heights Dental® makes care convenient and more affordable. Because of their advanced dental training, Drs. Stanislaus and Reid have the skills to treat even complex wisdom tooth cases without having to refer patients to an oral surgeon. Here's a look at how wisdom teeth are typically removed:

All our treatments are driven by conservatism, aesthetics, and comfort.
All our treatments are driven by conservatism, aesthetics, and comfort.

Digital Imaging

During a consultation, we will take digital scans of your mouth to determine if oral surgery is needed to remove the teeth and avoid complications.


If we determine your wisdom teeth need to be removed, Drs. Stanislaus or Reid will numb the area so you will feel comfortable during the tooth extraction. If you have a low pain threshold or are concerned about oral surgery, we also offer sedation.

Tooth Extraction

Our dentist will make small incisions in the gums to remove the impacted tooth. If necessary, the tooth will be broken into smaller pieces, which makes it easier to remove. The area will then be thoroughly cleaned. If needed, dissolvable stitches will be used to close the site.


After surgery, you may be asked to hold some gauze over the area. You will be able to remove the gauze in about 30  minutes. Our dentists will also offer recovery tips and discuss pain medication to relieve soreness while your gums heal.

Questions about a Wisdom Tooth?

Flexible Financing


We work with you to make timely dental care as affordable as possible. Most insurance plans cover at least part of the procedure. Our team will maximize your coverage and we also offer flexible payment plans. Leave us a message online to learn more.

Will It Hurt?

We understand that the thought of tooth extraction can be concerning. However, if you are already suffering from problems caused by wisdom teeth, treatment will bring welcome relief.

Drs. Stanislaus and Reid take extra care to make the removal of wisdom teeth painless. They will administer a local anesthetic to completely numb the treatment area and, if desired, offer sedation.

During recovery, you can minimize discomfort by following our post-operative instructions. For simple teeth extractions, over-the-counter pain medications are usually all people need to manage discomfort.

Dr. Stanislaus of Brooklyn Heights Dental®

Brooklyn Heights Dental®

The team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® has been committed to caring for our community's smiles since 1956. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid are affiliated with several renowned institutions and organizations, including:

  • The Academy of General Dentistry
  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • The International College of Dentists
  • The Misch International Implant Institute

To set up an appointment or learn more about our services, give us a call at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online.

Contact Us

"I've been very happy with my experiences at Dr. Stanislaus's office, and highly recommend him to anyone in the New York City area. He and his staff go above and beyond to do the best job possible." -R.B. (Patient)

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