Woman getting teeth cleaned

Teeth Cleaning

When it comes to oral health, a good offense is the best defense. This is why we recommend a thorough, biannual teeth cleaning.  Eugene D. Stanislaus, DDS, and Lisa Reid, DMD, are dentists who can gently remove plaque and tartar, take X-rays, and treat cavities. For a happy and healthy smile, visit Brooklyn Heights Dental® for a cleaning. We're located in Brooklyn Heights, NY, near Fort Greene.

Meet Our Dentists Dr. Stanislaus and Dr. Reid

Brooklyn Heights Dental® is a practice where family is important. Founded by Dr. Lamuel Stanislaus in 1956, the office has been passed down to his son, Dr. Eugene Stanislaus. Our friendly Brooklyn dentists continue that legacy of care, making you feel welcome and relaxed throughout your treatment.

Visit Us Regularly For a Healthier Smile

During your appointment, we can identify issues like tooth decay and gum disease in their earliest stages, when they are most treatable. Gum disease can increase your risk of developing other, more serious health problems, including heart disease and diabetes.

Another reason regular visits are so critical is that many dental health conditions often begin painlessly and only become apparent when significant damage has already occurred. Your dentist can detect these issues and deliver the timely treatment you need.

Our dentists understand that gum disease and cavities can be common. Count on us for judgement-free treatment focused on helping you experience all the best benefits of excellent oral health.

To request an appointment for your next dental cleaning, contact our Brooklyn Heights office online or call

(718) 857-6639

Dr. Reid and Dr. Stanislaus
If you need dental care, visit a team trusted by patients in Brooklyn, Fort Greene, and throughout New York.

Put Your Oral Health First

Brooklyn Heights and Fort Greene Patients Trust Our Team for Healthy Smiles


Shanoya Belcher


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I don't normally post reviews, but this experience has been one of the best ones yet. From the moment, I called and I spoke to Theresa it was just amazing. I walked in and was greeted so warmly by the staff. I received the best cleaning from Jonathan who explained EVERYTHING to me. They were so warm and friendly. The Dentist was the nicest man ever. His bed side manners was top tier. I have finally found a Dentist office that treated me like I belonged there. Not to mention I received a little gift bag too. Thank you guys!

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Kimberly Pollard


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Brooklyn Heights Dental is AMAZING!!! You are treated as though you are family. Always great energy and great work done.

Dr. Stanislaus and the Brooklyn Heights Dental staff ALWAYS take such great care of their patients.

After having gone through so many bad dental experiences in the past; I have truly found my dental home. Thank you so much BHD!!!

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Why Preventative Dentistry Works

Proper daily oral hygiene and professional cleanings are essential for keeping both your teeth and gums healthy. Here's why each treatment, both at-home and at our Brooklyn office, is so effective:

Woman helping child brush teeth

Twice Daily Brushing

Brushing reduces the amount of bacteria in your mouth, which lowers your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Bacteria is constantly collecting on your teeth, resulting in a sticky film called plaque.

By brushing your teeth, you can remove plaque from the visible surfaces of your teeth, and also from your cheeks, tongue, and the roof of your mouth.

Once Daily Flossing

Your toothbrush is not able to reach the bacteria between your teeth, which is why flossing is equally essential.

Make sure to floss between each tooth.

This can prevent gum irritation and tartar buildup, and keep your smile free from gum disease.

Man flossing teeth
Smiling man in dental chair

Biannual Dentistry Appointments

When plaque hardens, it becomes tartar, which can lead to gum disease and cavities.

Even with the most dedicated daily brushing and flossing, tartar can develop in hard-to-reach places. Our Brooklyn dentists can clean it off the surface of your teeth so you can face the next six months with a clean smile.

Is it time for a dental cleaning? Get in touch with us and we will book your exam as soon as possible!

What to Expect During Your Teeth Cleaning

In addition to cleaning your teeth, Dr. Reid and Dr. Stanislaus can determine if your smile needs further treatment. Here is what you can expect during a regular checkup:
Patients visit our Brooklyn Heights dentists twice a year for beautiful teeth and improved oral hygiene.
Patients visit our Brooklyn Heights dentists twice a year for beautiful teeth and improved oral hygiene.


Using special tools, our skilled hygienists will thoroughly clean your teeth. Plaque and tartar will be cleaned away.

Possible Scaling and Root Planing 

This periodontal procedure removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line in order to prevent or stop the progression of gum disease. If we confirm the presence of plaque or tartar below the gumline, we can perform scaling and root planing at this time.


Your hygienist will polish the surfaces of your teeth. This makes it more difficult for plaque to attach to the tooth surfaces. Like with deep cleaning, polishing can keep plaque away, preventing gum irritation, loosening gum pockets, and even gum disease.


Typically, we will take dental X-rays during every other visit to detect issues such as cavities. 

Dental Care Tips

Your regular visit to our Brooklyn practice is also a chance for your dentist and hygienist to teach strategies for better at-home care. For example, we can help you refine your flossing technique based on our observations. Small changes like these can make a big difference in the long run.

Dental Cleanings Are Covered by Insurance


Typically, your cleaning will be covered by dental insurance. If you don't have insurance, or if you need additional treatment, we feature flexible financing plans. Contact our Brooklyn team to learn more.

A Brooklyn Heights, NY, Patient's Review Why She Recommends Us For Dental Exams

"As usual my visit was exceptional. The purpose for today’s  visit was with 1 of my new favorite dental hygienists, Donavan. Always cheerful, yet professional and ensures I’m comfortable. Kudos to the BEST dental team, I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Highly recommend using their services for your dental needs!" Sharon Nabritt
Dr. Stanislaus of Brooklyn Heights Dental®

Brooklyn Heights Dental®

The team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® has been committed to caring for our community's smiles since 1956. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. Lisa Reid are affiliated with several renowned institutions and organizations, including:

  • The Academy of General Dentistry
  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • The International College of Dentists
  • The Misch International Implant Institute

To set up an appointment or learn more about our services, give us a call at (718) 857-6639 or contact us online.

Contact Us

"I've been very happy with my experiences at Dr. Stanislaus's office, and highly recommend him to anyone in the New York City area. He and his staff go above and beyond to do the best job possible." -R.B. (Patient)

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