Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Can Dark Chocolate Prevent Gum Disease? Study Identifies Helpful Foods

Jun 30, 2024 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Gum Disease


Gum disease is a serious gum infection that can cause gum recession, tooth loss, damage to the jawbone, and other problems if left untreated.

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, our team provides gum disease treatment to patients throughout Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, and Fort Greene, NY, to restore oral health and keep the smile looking its best.

Although treatment is available for gum disease, the best thing to do is prevent gum disease to begin with. Taking proper care of the teeth and gums is essential but, surprisingly, eating dark chocolate and certain other foods may also help reduce the risk of gum disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums most commonly caused by a buildup of plaque at and below the gum line. Plaque contains bacteria that can infect the gums and damage the teeth. If left untreated, gum disease infections can spread to the jawbone or through the bloodstream, potentially putting general health at risk.

Some symptoms of gum disease include:

Why Dark Chocolate Might Prevent Gum Disease

It may seem counterintuitive to eat dark chocolate to protect oral health but the Daily Mail reports that a study by Chongqing Medical University in China found that doing so may actually cut the risk of developing gum disease in half.

Researchers from the study suspect that the antioxidants found in dark chocolate may be why dark chocolate seems to help prevent gum disease. In addition to antioxidants, dark chocolate contains flavonoids which, like antioxidants, are beneficial at reducing inflammation, like gum inflammation common with gum disease.

What Other Foods Might Help Prevent Gum Disease?

The researchers who identified dark chocolate as possibly lowering the risk of gum disease also found eating cheese and unsalted peanuts seemed to help prevent gum disease.

Foods that are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, such as ginger, may also be beneficial. In addition to antioxidant rich foods, foods that are high in fiber, like apples and raw spinach, may help lower the risk of gum disease by encouraging saliva production, which helps to wash away bacteria from the mouth.

Diet Alone Can’t Prevent Gum Disease

While eating certain foods may help lower the risk of gum disease, diet alone won’t keep the teeth and gums healthy. Preventing gum disease also requires good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. You can further reduce your risk of gum disease by:

Schedule a Consultation

To discuss gum disease treatment options, or to discuss other oral health concerns, we welcome you to schedule a consultation at Brooklyn Heights Dental.