Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Adult Invisalign® Treatment: Is It Right for Me and What Can I Expect?

Apr 15, 2024 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign

Although orthodontics treatment is often thought of as something done in childhood, it’s never too late to correct alignment issues and improve the smile. Invisalign® is a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces, making it a popular choice for many adults who want to improve their smile.

At Brooklyn Heights Dental, Drs. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Lisa Reed offer Invisalign to patients in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, Fort Greene, and surrounding areas. For answers to your questions about Invisalign or to find out if it’s right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, find out more about Invisalign treatment as we take a look at adult Invisalign treatment and what to expect.

Invisalign in Adulthood

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear plastic aligners instead of the metal wires and brackets used in traditional braces to gently adjust the position of the teeth and correct alignment.

There is no upper-age limit for Invisalign treatment, making it a great option for adults who want to improve the alignment and appearance of their smile without the use of metal braces.

What to Expect With Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment begins with a dental consultation to create a treatment plan from scans taken of the teeth. Aligners are crafted based on the personalized treatment plan and once ready, an appointment will be made to check the fit of the first set of aligners and begin treatment.

How Long Are Aligners Worn?

Invisalign aligners should be worn throughout the day and night but can be removed while eating and for ease of brushing and flossing the teeth.

Additionally, aligners are changed about every two weeks to gradually shift the teeth to the desired position.

Expect Dental Appointments Throughout Treatment

Throughout treatment, it’s necessary for patients to have their progress monitored so that adjustments can be made if needed to achieve optimal results. Appointments should reoccur about every six weeks but may be more frequent.

How Long Is Invisalign Treatment?

The total amount of time needed for Invisalign treatment will vary depending on the unique needs of each patient and their desired goals. For most patients, treatment will take 12 to 18 months, but may require more or less time if necessary.

The Benefits of Invisalign in Adulthood

It’s never too late to undergo Invisalign treatment and have the smile of your dreams. There are many benefits to having Invisalign in adulthood. Some of the benefits of undergoing Invisalign in adulthood include:

Find Out If Invisalign Is Right for You

If you have alignment issues and want to improve the look and function of your teeth, Invisalign may be right for you. To find out if you’re a candidate, we welcome you to schedule a consultation at Brooklyn Heights Dental.