Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Invisalign for Gaps

May 13, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Invisalign

Some patients feel self-conscious about gaps of space between the teeth. Whether you have one gap between your front teeth, or gaps between most of your teeth, you may wish to seek orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign® is a discreet and comfortable teeth straightening treatment that can correct common misalignment issues, including gapped teeth. The certified Invisalign providers at Brooklyn Heights Dental are happy to discuss how Invisalign can close gaps and give our Brooklyn, NY patients the straighter, healthier, and more attractive teeth they desire.

Invisalign Candidates

There are several cosmetic dentistry treatments that can address gapped teeth. If gaps are small, Invisalign may not be the most appropriate treatment option. Small gaps can be concealed with porcelain veneers or cosmetic dental bonding.

Large gaps are another story. Large gaps can leave adjacent teeth without enough room to sit in their proper position within the jaw, which may result in other issues with the bite. Our Brooklyn patients who have larger gaps are likely ideal candidates for Invisalign treatment.

The Treatment Process

Invisalign is a simple and comfortable procedure that is completely metal-free. Nothing needs to be bonded to the teeth, as is the case with traditional braces.

Instead, throughout Invisalign treatment, patients will progress through a series of clear, plastic aligners. The Invisalign aligners sit over the teeth to provide subtle pressure. The aligners can be removed for drinking, brushing, and eating. However, it is important that patients wear their aligners at least 20 to 22 hours each day.

Every two weeks throughout treatment, patients switch to a new set of aligners so that the teeth shift position until they have reached optimal alignment. As the teeth shift, gaps between the teeth will close, leaving patients with straighter, more evenly spaced teeth.

How Long Will It Take to Close Gaps?

The length of Invisalign treatment is different for each patient, and depends on factors such as the type of malocclusion problems and how severe those issues are.

If a patient only needs to close a moderate gap between the teeth, treatment could be complete in as little as six to nine months. However, if other malocclusion problems are present, it can take longer to achieve desired results. The average length of Invisalign treatment is about 12 months.

Invisalign Benefits

Invisalign aligners can successfully close gaps, straighten the teeth, and correct the bite. What’s more, these aligners achieve those results while offering patients a number of other unique benefits:

Contact Us

If you want to enhance your smile by closing large gaps between the teeth, Invisalign may be your best option. To learn more about this comfortable and convenient teeth straightening treatment, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also schedule an appointment with one of the experienced dentists at Brooklyn Heights Dental by calling (718) 857-6639.