Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

How to Cope with Dental Emergencies

Oct 5, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Emergency Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

By nature, emergencies occur when we least expect them. However, we can help to mitigate the effects of emergencies by being prepared for them, no matter when they occur. This is as true of dental emergencies as it is of any other type of emergency. The experienced professionals of Brooklyn Heights Dental, one of the most highly regarded restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry practices in the nation, urge you to keep our office information close by so that you can contact us in the event of a dental emergency.

At our practice in Brooklyn, emergency dental care of the highest caliber is available to our valued patients. We can provide you with the urgent care you need to manage pain and salvage the health of your teeth and mouth until you can come into our office to receive the long-term dental care you require. In the meanwhile, here are some tips that will help you cope in the event of a dental emergency.

What You Should Do in the Event of a Dental Emergency

In emergency situations, preparedness is half the battle. We suggest that you print out a copy of this blog post and keep it handy just in case any of the following dental emergencies arise, and then call our practice immediately toll-free at (866) 260-0262 to arrange for your emergency dental appointment.

The most common dental emergencies include:

Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth

If you or a loved one accidentally has a permanent tooth knocked out, you should take the following steps:

Cracked or Fractured Tooth

If you or a loved one suffers a cracked or fractured tooth:

Loose Tooth

In the case of a loose tooth or a tooth that moves out of alignment:


Whether a toothache constitutes a true dental emergency generally depends on its severity. If the toothache is not severe, try rinsing the mouth with warm water and flossing thoroughly to remove any food particles that are stuck between teeth.

If the pain is severe, then you should contact our practice immediately, especially if the pain is accompanied by bleeding or any other sort of discharge.

Learn More about Emergency Dental Care

To learn more about the emergency dental care available at Brooklyn Heights Dental, please contact our general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry practice today.