Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

The Link Between Gum Disease and Other Health Problems

Feb 29, 2012 @ 08:48 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Gum Disease Dental Health Periodontal Treatment Restorative Dentistry

Gum disease is not just a leading cause of tooth loss among adults; it is linked to other major health problems as well. Research has shown there is a connection between gum disease and some serious health issues, but luckily the condition can be easily treated and prevented by our Brooklyn cosmetic dentists. Learn more about gum disease, and how it could be affecting your overall wellness.

Understanding Gum Disease

In order to understand how gum disease can affect your health, it is helpful to know what gum disease is and how it is caused.Gum disease is a condition that affects many patients, from a wide range of ages. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that damages tissues and bone inside a patient's mouth, and can lead to tooth loss. When bacteria are not removed through brushing, flossing, or professional dental cleanings, it forms plaque, a sticky film that builds up and hardens on the tooth. Plaque causes gum irritation and leads to the earliest stage of gum disease, called gingivitis. Gums that are swollen, red and bleed easily may be affected by gum disease. A consultation with a dentist is needed to diagnose gum disease and determine which procedures and treatments will best address each patient's particular oral health needs.

Gum Disease and Health Problems

Dentists agree that untreated gum disease is risky for the health of your entire body. Infections and inflammation in the mouth can have a direct impact on other areas and systems.

Gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of:

Some health conditions can also increase in severity when combined with gum disease. A recent study of women with osteoporosis determined patients are much more likely to retain their teeth and jaw bones when gum disease is treated and good oral hygiene is properly maintained.


If your dentist determines you have a form of gum disease, many treatments are available to correct both health and aesthetic problems. For patients with restorative dental needs, Brooklyn Heights Dental™is proud to offer technologically-advanced options in fighting gum disease, including LANAP, laser gum treatments using a Periolase® laser. We also offer dental crowns made of high-quality materials; our Brooklyn dental crowns patients find that the placement of a crown is successful in preventing further decay and cracking of a tooth.

Contact Brooklyn Heights Dental for More Information

Gum disease poses a threat to the mouth, as well as the body, but it can be reversed. With regularly scheduled visits to your dentist, daily tooth brushing, and daily cleaning between the teeth through flossing, you can maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and our staff are ready to help you with any questions or concerns you have about your oral health. Contact our Brooklyn Heights cosmetic dentistry center to schedule your consultation. Our priority is providing you with top quality dental care.